Today is R U OK?Day, and whilst today is our National Day of Action, we are encouraged to Ask R U OK? Any Day, because life happens every day and a conversation could change a life.

A lot can happen in a year, a month, a week.  Whether it’s your friend, family member, colleague, partner, or teammate, the people you care about go through life’s ups and downs every day.

But don’t forget to check in with yourself too - especially when it comes to your financial well-being.

At Australian Mutual Bank, we know that managing finances can sometimes feel overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to support you every step of the way. As part of our commitment to your overall well-being, our partnership with Your Financial Wellness (YFW) provides our members with complimentary access to an online financial wellness program.

The YFW program offers you easy-to-understand reports, metrics, plans, and guides to help you set and achieve your financial goals. Whether it’s budgeting, retirement planning, reducing debt, or simply gaining clarity on where your money goes, this program is here to empower you every step of the way.

Remember, financial wellness is part of your overall well-being. You’re never alone in this journey, Australian Mutual Bank is here to help you achieve financial peace of mind so you can focus on what really matters in life.

At Australian Mutual Bank, we also pride ourselves on assisting members when they fall on difficult times. Are you having trouble with your repayments? This may be due to illness, accident, unemployment, relationship breakdowns, domestic violence or financial abuse, gambling or other reasonable cause.

There are options available to you. Should you require hardship assistance then please contact our team at 13 61 91.

Learn more about YFW and get started: Your Financial Wellness

For more information on R U OK?Day and more tips on how to ask the question, visit

12 September 2024